Plant Medicine
Chinese Plant Medicine is an important pillar of treatment in China, and here in the West, herbal medicine is used to continue treatment between Acupuncture sessions. Plant botanicals such as roots, bark and leaves, and sometimes minerals, have been studied for centuries and are combined in formulas that complement and balance each other’s functions.
Plant medicine should only be taken under supervision of a trained and certified Herbalist with accreditation from the NCCAOM, which takes several years of study to achieve. Single herbs are rarely used alone, they are combined in technically balanced formulas designed to address the individual patient’s needs without disrupting other systems within the body. There is no “one size fits all” approach with herbal medicine. Formulas are prescribed and personalized for the individual. Progress is monitored and formulas are modified and discontinued as the patient’s internal balance responds to treatment.
A trained Herbalist will ensure only high quality herbal medicine is used, from suppliers who are regularly checked for quality control. It is important your herbal medicine comes from an esteemed and regulated source.